Management Initatives | Goal 1 | Goal 2 | Goal 3 | Goal 4 | Goal 5 | Goal 6 | Goal 7 | Goal 8
Goal 7: Enhance strategic partnerships and collaboration
Enhance diversity and inclusion through strategic partnerships to build and maintain our workforce and key stakeholder relationships. Objectives that support this goal include the following:
- Maintain or improve the pace of decision-making through engaging with DOE-RL, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Washington State Department of Ecology, and local Tribal leadership through the Adaptive Milestone Approach, setting achievable interim milestones toward major cleanup goals
- Build and maintain a close and effective interface with the Hanford workforce and Hanford Advisory Board
- Develop cooperative agreements with Washington State University and Columbia Basin College to establish a pipeline of high-caliber local candidates for needed job categories
- Promote diversity, equity, and inclusion through our One Hanford partnerships, including veterans outreach and employment programs
- Partner with local small businesses and a diverse set of suppliers to provide key services to address our unique cleanup challenges
- Invest in the next generation of leadership and employees through supporting local educational institutions and the Washington State STEM Education Foundation
Sharing Hanford opportunities with local veterans