End State-Driven Strategies | Goal 1 | Goal 2 | Goal 3 | Goal 4 | Goal 5 | Goal 6 | Goal 7 | Goal 8
Goal 2: Reduce risk in the Central Plateau
Reduce hazards and risks to eliminate threats to workers and disruption to the site cleanup mission. Objectives that support this goal include the following:
- Complete construction of the Capsule Storage Area and remove 1,936 Cesium/Strontium capsules to long-term dry storage, which safely immobilizes more than 40% of the radioactive curies at the Hanford Site while they decay
- Complete modifications to the Waste Encapsulation and Storage Facility and, following capsule transfer, deactivate the facility for cost-efficient, long-term surveillance
- Remediate industrial and radioactive facilities and contaminated waste sites within the 200 East and 200 West Areas, including the final at-risk production facilities
- Complete soil remediation at sites in the Outer Area (600 area) of the Hanford Site, shrinking the cleanup footprint to the condensed Central Plateau
- Complete disposition of PUREX tank farms and pump houses
- Complete removal of REDOX plutonium removal hood and install clean ventilation
- Complete a remediation activity work plan and other regulatory action documents for the Fast Flux Test Facility to allow for final site cleanup and turnover
Fact Sheets: Waste Encapsulation Storage Facility | Reduction-Oxidation Plant | PUREX Plant
Vision 2025
Vision 2028
Waste Encapsulation and Storage Facility hot cell