End State-Driven Strategies | Goal 1 | Goal 2 | Goal 3 | Goal 4 | Goal 5 | Goal 6 | Goal 7 | Goal 8
Goal 1: Clean up the River Corridor
Clean up the 100-K and 300 areas of the River Corridor, which reduces our overall site cleanup footprint. Objectives that support this goal include the following:
- Complete deactivation of the K West Basin and execute dewatering and grout stabilization
- Complete demolition of the K West Basin and cleanup of associated soil waste sites surrounding the reactor and basin
- Demolish ancillary structures in the 100K Area
- Complete cocooning of K East and K West Reactors (ISS)
- Address the 300-296 waste site and execute deactivation of the 324 Building
- Remediate any remaining waste sites in the River Corridor near the Columbia River according to final Records of Decision
- Complete all activities that allow for final transfer of River Corridor land to long-term stewardship
Fact Sheets: K East and K West Reactor | 100K Area | 324 Building Disposition Project
100K Area waste site cleanup